
a day of love&snow

While snow storm Nemo was making its way through my area I decided what better time to make some valentine cupcakes and test out a new vanilla icing, and it was a success. We managed with 6-7 maybe a little more in areas of town of snow not too bad as I love snow and my new vanilla icing recipe is absolutely amazing. I couldn't stop eating it with a spoon. At first I was a little worried about trying the icing as its completely different than my others which aren't so bad tasting just sometimes it didn't come out to the right consistency and would cause me a head ache. This one used flour and milk and less butter and granulated sugar instead of powdered I was really wondering how it was going to taste while making it. It was a very simple recipe and the end results was this amazing creamy texture that wasn't overly sweet and didn't taste like pure butter or too much sugar. I was very very happy and next time I'll be trying the chocolate version. 

{a basic chocolate cream cupcake}

{look at that fluffiness}

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